Privacy Policy (Personal Information Protection Policy)

AMP.KYOTO Corporation

AMP.KYOTO Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes the following Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") regarding the handling of users' personal information. This Policy explains what kind of personal information the Company obtains, how it uses and shares such information, and how users can manage their own personal information. The Company declares that it will disclose and comply with this Policy. In the event of any discrepancy or doubt between the Japanese version and the English version of this policy, the Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1 (Personal Information)

"Personal Information" refers to "personal information" as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, which means information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual from descriptions contained in the information such as name, date of birth, etc. (including information that can be easily cross-referenced with other information to identify a specific individual), or that contains a personal identification code.

Article 2 (Acquisition of Personal Information)

When acquiring personal information, the Company will obtain it through legal and fair means.

Article 3 (Purpose of Use of Personal Information)

The Company will obtain users' personal information and use the obtained information to the extent necessary for the following purposes. The purpose of use may be changed within a reasonably considered relevant scope to the original purpose of use, in which case it will be announced on this website. If personal information is to be used beyond the scope of the following purposes, the user's prior consent will be obtained through appropriate means. Note that the following purposes of use may be changed within a reasonably considered relevant scope to the original purpose of use, in which case the change will be announced on this website.

  1. To provide goods and services handled by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Subject Goods and Services") and to fulfill contractual rights and obligations
  2. For user identification, identity verification, authentication, and other user management purposes
  3. To provide information on new features, updates, campaigns, etc. related to the Subject Goods and Services, to introduce new services provided by the Company, and to provide recommended information
  4. To provide after-sales service and support for the Subject Goods and Services
  5. To provide necessary communications related to the provision of the Subject Goods and Services, such as maintenance information, changes to terms and conditions, and other notices
  6. To investigate and analyze the usage status of the Subject Goods and Services, and to use the results for improving and enhancing the Subject Goods and Services, and for researching, developing, and marketing new goods and services
  7. To conduct interviews, surveys, campaigns, and monitoring activities
  8. To respond to opinions and inquiries regarding the Company or the Subject Goods and Services
  9. To improve the quality of the Company's response and accurately understand the content of inquiries
  10. To provide personal information to the organizers of events based on the user's consent or application
  11. To create statistical data in an anonymized format
  12. To identify users who violate the terms and conditions related to the Subject Goods and Services or attempt to use the Subject Goods and Services for improper or illegitimate purposes, and to take necessary measures such as refusing service
  13. For system maintenance and troubleshooting
  14. For purposes incidental to the above purposes of use

Article 4 (Disclosure or Provision to Third Parties)

Except for the following cases, the Company will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties:

  1. When the individual has consented
  2. When required by law
  3. When necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult
  4. When particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound development of children, and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult
  5. When cooperation is necessary for a national agency, local government, or a person entrusted by them to perform statutory duties, and obtaining the individual's consent may hinder the performance of such duties
  6. When the Company outsources all or part of its business to a third party
  7. In cases where the Company's business, including users' personal information, is succeeded due to a merger, company split, business transfer, or other reasons

Article 5 (Safety Management Measures)

The Company will make efforts to maintain the accuracy and timeliness of users' personal information, and will take necessary and appropriate safety management measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, damage, etc. of personal information held by the Company. The Company will also continuously review and improve these measures as necessary to ensure safety.

  1. Establishment of a Privacy Policy
    1. To ensure the proper handling of personal information, the Company has established and disclosed a "Personal Information Protection Policy" (Privacy Policy) as a basic policy for handling personal information.
  2. Establishment of Rules for Handling Personal Information
    1. The Company will establish internal rules on appropriate measures to be taken for the safe management of personal information, and review and improve them in accordance with changes in laws and social norms.
  3. Organizational Safety Management Measures
    1. The Company will appoint a person responsible for and a manager of personal information handling, identify the personal information to be handled, and take measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage. The Company will also establish a system for educating personal information handlers and reporting information leakage incidents.
  4. Human Safety Management Measures
    1. At the time of employment, the Company will conclude a confidentiality agreement regarding personal information and provide education to its officers and employees at least once a year as appropriate.
  5. Physical Safety Management Measures
    1. The Company will implement measures such as access control and prevention of unauthorized viewing of personal information.
  6. Technical Safety Management Measures
    1. The Company will implement measures to prevent unauthorized access and information leakage, as well as access control to limit the personnel and scope of personal information databases handled.
  7. External Environment Monitoring
    1. The Company will regularly confirm the implementation status of safety management measures at subcontractors, etc., and provide guidance as necessary.

Article 6 (Outsourcing of Handling)

The Company may outsource the handling of personal information to other business operators to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In such cases, the Company will select contractors with established personal information protection systems and conclude a contract regarding personal information protection.

Article 7 (Transfer of Personal Information Overseas)

As part of its global business operations, the Company may transfer personal information to third parties located overseas as necessary, such as for data management through overseas cloud services used by the Company.

In such cases, the Company will consider the level of personal information protection in the destination country and conclude a contract with the third party regarding appropriate protection measures for personal information.

Article 8 (Use of Tracking Technologies)

The Company's website may use tracking technologies for purposes such as improving user experience, personalizing services, and analysis. Through tracking technologies, the Company may obtain information such as access and browsing information of website users. However, the information obtained through tracking technologies does not include information that can independently identify or specify individual users.

Article 9 (Voluntary Nature of Providing Personal Information)

The provision of personal information to the Company is voluntary. However, please note that if necessary personal information is not provided, there may be difficulties in providing smooth services and communications.

Article 10 (Retention Period of Personal Information)

The Company will limit the retention period of personal information to the period necessary to achieve the purpose for which the information was collected. For information with a retention period specified by a particular law, the Company will follow that law. After the purpose has been achieved or the retention period has expired, the Company will safely delete or anonymize the personal information.

Article 11 (Users' Rights and How to Exercise Them)

Users have the following rights regarding their personal information held by the Company. When responding to a request, the Company will confirm the identity of the individual or their representative through the prescribed method, and promptly respond based on laws and regulations.

  1. Right to Request Notification of Purpose of Use
    1. Users (or their representatives) may request the Company to notify them of the purpose of use for the Company's retained personal information about the user.
  2. Right to Request Disclosure
    1. Users may request the disclosure of their personal information held by the Company. However, the Company may not disclose all or part of the information if it falls under any of the following cases, and if the decision is made not to disclose, the user will be notified without delay:
      1. ①When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the user or a third party
      2. ②When there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper execution of the Company's business
      3. ③When disclosure would violate laws and regulations
  3. Right to Request Correction (including Addition or Deletion), Suspension of Use, or Erasure
    1. If the personal information held by the Company is incorrect, you may request the Company to correct, suspend the use of, or erase the personal information. If the Company recognizes a reason for such a request, it will correct, suspend the use of, or erase the retained data to the extent necessary to ensure proper handling. Please note that during the process, the use of personal information related to the request for correction, suspension of use, or erasure may continue.
  4. Right to Request Suspension of Provision to Third Parties
    1. You may request the suspension of providing your personal information to third parties.

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact the Personal Information Consultation Desk described in Article 14.

Article 12 (Changes to the Privacy Policy)

This Policy may be updated as necessary. In the event of any changes, users will be notified through announcements on the Company's website or direct notification. The revised Policy will take effect when it is posted on the Company's website or when users are notified.

Article 13 (Company Address, Representative's Name, Personal Information Protection Manager)

The Company's address, representative's name, and the name of the personal information protection manager are as follows:

(Address) F5,Kyoto Mitsui Bldg.8 Naginataboko-cho, Karasuma Higashi-iru, Shijo-dori,Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-city, Kyoto,600-8008, JAPAN
(Representative) Kimio Saito
(Personal Information Protection Manager) Representative Director of AMP.KYOTO Corporation

Article 14 (Desk for Complaints, Requests, and Other Inquiries)

For requests for disclosure, complaints, or other inquiries regarding personal information, please contact the following desk:

(Desk Name) AMP.KYOTO Corporation Personal Information Consultation Desk
(Address) F5,Kyoto Mitsui Bldg.8 Naginataboko-cho, Karasuma Higashi-iru, Shijo-dori,Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-city, Kyoto,600-8008, JAPAN


Established and Enforced on March 31, 2024